Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Market a Memoir Top Tips From the Experts

How to Market a Memoir Top Tips From the Experts How to Market a Memoir: Top Tips from the Experts Indie authors can have quite an uphill battle when it comes to marketing a memoir. When we buy a memoir, it’s because we want to know more about a person’s life, or what they have to say about a certain subject. Therefore, we’re less likely to pick up a memoir written by someone we’ve never heard of.Then again, on the bright side, some memoir-writers will find that their book comes with an already-defined target market - and when it comes to your life, you are the ultimate authority on the subject. For instance, if you write science fiction, sure, you can target your book to readers who enjoy that genre, but you’ll be competing with a monstrous number of other books. If you write a memoir about leaving your home country of Canada, and spending 15 years working as a gardener for a wealthy family in Spain, well, you’ve got a host of niche groups who might be interested in your real-life accounts: Canadian gardeners, expats living in Spain, Med iterranean people interested in the lifestyles of the wealthy, etc.This article will cover three of the most essential components of marketing a memoir: determining who your readers are, figuring out how to connect with them, and establishing yourself as a reputable and compelling source on the subject matter. To ready you for your hike up the steep hill to memoir sales, we’ve sought advice from several of our top marketers.Determine your target audienceIn our post on how to write a memoir, we asked authors to consider who they are writing their memoir for. This is a necessary question that bears repeating in this article as well. Due to the fact that a memoir is a personal thing, your answer might be, â€Å"For myself, to tell my own story† - and that’s wonderful. But if you would like to successfully market and sell your memoir, you have to think beyond yourself and step into your readers’ shoes. Get personal! (Photo by Joanna Kosinska)When it comes to memoirs, authors with a pre-established platform will find the job of marketing much easier. But it’s not impossible for unknown authors to publish a successful memoir - after all, Frank McCourt was a teacher when he published his debut book, the memoir Angela’s Ashes. Take our tips into account and start throwing stuff at the wall until it starts to stick. Hey, maybe you'll get a really good story out of the whole process; maybe you'll write a memoir about it.Have your written a memoir? What have been your experiences, struggles, or learnings with marketing it? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below!